Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I feel like a supermom today!

Wow it must have been the "sex in a bun" from Pia's this morning that gave such a charge for the day! That's what we've decided to call her melt in your mouth sticky caramel bun. Not to sweet, just right! After a day at work then racing to get my daughter afterschool, then racing home to let the dog out, vacuum, clean my daughters feet, and actually cook a meal! Just pasta and meatballs but betther than my "mish mash" of cheese and crackers and veggies,( I know you are laughing Lori!) Then making chili for the next few cold days at work. I am feeling like I may be getting the "time management thing" down. This was the sign I need to start blogging again.
I wonder if Pia's Bakery will have the same buns tomorrow!!!!LOL

Keep checking in for new photos of my travels. Next is South Africa in October

1 comment:


Great job Miyeko!! Cooking is all in the practice and patience of course!!