Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Noinkees gets going!

Our launch party last week was a success. Though the purpose was to launch the website, our shop front in our converted dining/sitting room was set up over the past couple of months, and was a big shopping draw for our guests. Everybody seemed to like the mural from www.muralunique.com , a picture of the entrance to Kyoto Japan Police station.
There seems to be alot of interest in the community for the products we are carrying, and we seem to be getting a steady 20 to 25 hits per day on www.noinkees.com . There is a definite movement on behalf of the consumer to buy smarter, and safer. Products which give back to communities here and in other parts of the world, enviromentally safe products, especially organic clothing, are what many of our guests that day ended up buying.

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