Sunday, June 28, 2009

Shopping Parties

I'm feeling very content today, even though my poor little Noinkee is not feeling well with ear and eye infection. I'm looking forward to the summer! My business is great because I can still do what I love and be with my family. We put up the pool yesterday and bought a salt water pump. Yeah no chemicals!

Want a little of Noinkee's product for yourself? Have a fun night with the family and friends. Shop, have a little mini facial or learn how to give yourself a facial. What's in it for you? Receive a noinkee's gift certifcate for yourself from a percent of sales from the day of the party. When a friend from the party books their own party with their friends you will receive even more!
contact Miyeko at

Lina Beans

These little guys are so cute and handmade by Caroline at The ones in the picture are my daughters, made from her clothes that don't fit anymore. How amazing is that! Even better they are only $15 (before tax). I don't have them posted on the Noinkee's site because all are one of a kind and they sell so quickly. So you'll have to come to the showroom to shop or contact Caroline to have your own special little lina bean made.

Certified Organic Products from One Group now at Noinkee's

I'm really excited to announce the newest addition to Noinkee's . Miessence, MiVitality, and MiEnviron. Certified Organic products ranging from skin care, hair care, mama and baby, hand and body, health and household. Being a product junky, I've tried several products over my years in retail and personally from every line and every range of dollar. I reinforce "you get what you pay for" You can smell and feel the purity of the line. I feel like I'm at the spa when I use the product. So far I have tried the skin care, hair care and deodorant and it's all heavenly. I am in love! I'll be doing mini facials or teaching on how to use the product to allow the full experience and samples are available to try at home. All products can be ordered on-line by you are you can contact me at to order for you.
This is not to say I don't love all my other products! This is just another amazing product addition to give variety!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

"A Person is a Person no matter how big or small!"

" A person is a person no matter how big or small!" Quote from Horton hears a Who! I recently encountered a business man who felt his business was too "classy" for my buyers as he basically put it. Someone made a comment after meeting me that they were surprised to find out how down to earth and friendly I was. They thought with the merchandise I carried I would be a "high maintenance B-I-T-C-H" To me this is crazy. I just love good quality and unique pieces that have a story. It's funny that this this business man felt my pricing and merchandise did not reflect "high end". It takes all kinds but if I don't have to associate myself and expose my customers to such ignorance, I'd rather not.

The search will continue for the perfect little store front. In the meantime my showroom and events will be my thing. I believe everything happens for a reason and Karma will bite him in the ass!

I had a great Open House on June 12th- Mini Mani night with Little Chefs healthy recipes, and Epicure selections with amazing barbecue rubs and sauces. The next one will be fun too. July 19th 11am-4pm Family Fun! Paint ceramics with Pottery Parties in the Hills, Epicure Selections, Jumpy castle for kids, Promotions and Giveaways with Noinkee's.